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Review Article

The Role of the Pharmacist in Patient Care (Book Review)

B K Khanam*

Corresponding Author: B K Khanam, Dr. M. Nasirullah Memorial Trust, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Received: January 11, 2022 ;    Revised: January 29, 2022 ;    Accepted: February 01, 2022 ;   Available Online: April 30, 2022

Citation: Khanam BK. (2022) The Role of the Pharmacist in Patient Care (Book Review). J Nurs Midwifery Res, 1(1): 1-18.

Copyrights: ©2022 Khanam BK. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Most people on the outside of the health care profession are unfamiliar with this new role of the pharmacist. The general public has portrayed a stereotypical pharmacist's picture as remain a person who stands behind a counter, dispenses medicine with some instructions to the respective consumer. Pharmacy practice has changed substantially in recent years. Today’s pharmacists have unique training and expertise in the appropriate use of medications and provide a broad array of patient care services in many different practice settings. As doctors are engaged with the diagnosis and treatment of patients, the pharmacist can assist them by selecting the most appropriate drug for a patient. Divine interventions by the pharmacists have always been considered as a valuable input by the health care community in the patient care process by radically reducing the medication errors, rationalizing the therapy and reducing the cost of therapy. The development and approval of the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process by the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners and incorporation of the Process into the 2016 Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Standards have the potential to lead to important changes in the practice of pharmacy, and to the enhanced acknowledgment, acceptance, and reimbursement for pharmacy and pharmacist services. As an author, it is my heartiest believe that the book will adjoin significant apprehension to future pharmacists’ in-patient care as most of the portion created from recently published articles focusing pharmacists in patient care settings.

Keywords: Patient Care, Patient Compliance, Patient Counseling, Extemporaneous Prescription Compounding, Framework for Medication Safety, Patient Behavior, Patient Education, Patient-Provider Relationship, Patient Relationship Management, Patient Problem Solving and Preventive Care, Pharmacovigilance, Patient Safety, Pharmaco-Economics, Long-term Care, Community Liaison Pharmacists in Home Care, Pharmacists in Ambulatory Care, Critical Care Pharmacists, Rational Use of Drugs, Surgical Dressing, Medication Risk Management, Medication History Taking and Reconciliation, Drug Related Problems, Medication Reconciliation, Palliative and Hospice Care


The goal of excellent quality, cost-effective and accessible health care for patients is achieved through team-based patient-centered care. Pharmacists are essential members of the healthcare team. The profession of pharmacy is continuing its evolution from a principal focus on medication product distribution to expand clinically oriented patient care services. As an unfortunate result of this professional evolution, the paramount importance of, and need for a consistent process of attention in the delivery of patient care services has been increasingly recognized by the profession at large. Pharmacists in hospital, community care, dispensing and allied healthcare arena are highly appreciated for their knowledge-based contribution and dedication towards the profession. The practical purpose of the published book efficiently is to properly guide the patient care pharmacists in their modern day to day activities. Along with specific guidelines, the book encloses ideas about patient dealing, patient rights, ethical decision making, professionalism. At every chapter, the role of pharmacists in that chapter specific issues are detailed explicitly so that a professional pharmacist or a student can figure out she or his do and not to do in that specific situations. Moreover, further reading references are typically listed to naturally follow specific guidelines further. 

Therefore, the book is an archive of potential references too. Among so many books on clinical pharmacy, hospital and community care pharmacy the role of pharmacist’s in-patient care is rarely highlighted with a very little information. The key sector is emerging in both developed and under-developed countries. In most of the books, either doctor or nurses’ roles are highlighted. The proposed book (Figure 1) highlights pharmacists’ roles and responsibilities to the most, separated from those of doctors and nurses, with most recent information obtained from recently published articles of several journals, books, newsletters, magazines etc. The book’s chapter-based summary is added in Table 1 and comparison with similar other available books given in Table 2.


The development and approval of the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process by the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners and incorporation of the Process into the 2016 Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Standards have the potential to lead to important changes in the practice of pharmacy, and to the enhanced acknowledgment, acceptance, and reimbursement for pharmacy and pharmacist services [1]. Nowadays, pharmacists also ensure the rational and cost-effective use of medicines, promote healthy living and improve clinical outcomes by actively engaging in direct patient care and collaborating with many healthcare disciplines. With this expanding scope of modern practice, practicing pharmacists are being recognized as key components in traditionally providing individualized patient care as key part of interprofessional healthcare teams [2]. Pharmacists help manage complex patients because they look at medications with a distinctive eye than a doctor. One essential practice they efficiently perform in common is a “comprehensive medication review” where likely patients bring in medications, vitamins, necessary supplements, and OTC drugs [3]. Nowadays, the possible shortage of health personnel, and in particular pharmacists, remain a challenging issue that the health systems inevitably have to face. The practical use of a current technology like tele pharmacy can represent a possible option to combat these problems [4]. Up to 50% of ADE and ADE-related hospitalizations are judged to be preventable by avoiding inappropriately prescribing. Use of a simple interdisciplinary medication review has been shown to naturally lead to the reduction of inappropriate prescribing and costs, but there was no effect on clinically relevant patient outcomes, possibly due to a lack of power and insufficient observation time [5]. Pharmacists accompany their patients somewhere between 1.5 and 10 times more frequently than they see primary care physicians [6]. Clinical pharmacists can support patients, manage their medicines and reduce their anxiety about receiving multiple medicines [7]. Practicing pharmacists also gets benefit because there are an increased recognition and mutual respect for the social value of the practical advice and active service that they amply provide [8]. There is a need to increase access to primary care services, control costs, and improve outcomes in health care for patients especially in the management of chronic conditions which puts a strain on health care systems worldwide [9]. Pharmacists’ better access to the likely patients and their acceptability radically improve patient care by enabling pharmacists to fulfil an even greater role in the provision of safe and effective unscheduled care, treating common clinical conditions and responding to emergency requests for medicines [10]. Therefore, students who are interested in patient care practice as their future career, should develop a standardized approach to assessing, prioritizing, and resolving drug-related problems such as untreated conditions, appropriate drug selection, duplication of therapy, use of drugs without a condition or indication, over or under-dosing, adverse effects or toxicity, allergic reactions, drug interactions, adherence, availability and access, cost, and outcomes expectations. Prospective students also should be looking for the beneficial outcomes of drug therapy and pharmacy services with mutual respect to patient understanding, disease and disorder prevention, and medication-associated efficacy and safety.


  • The book solely focuses on job responsibilities of patient care pharmacists, separated from those of learned doctors and qualified nurses, with the most recent information.
  • Key various aspects of pharmacist-led patient care services are adequately incorporated in a particular book.
  • Career-focused discussions in every devoted chapter with structured guidelines provided for the practicing pharmacists.
  • Content is mostly based on recent pharmacists’ activities in the healthcare arena of developed countries.
  • Chapter outline, standard abbreviations, synopsis, learning outcomes, cases, key terms and further references are added like a textbook.
  • Possible errors during the patient dealing and preventive measures to be naturally taken in all aspects are thoroughly discussed.
  • The future prospect of patient care pharmacists in diverse areas of health care elaborately discussed.
  • Discusses patient relationship management with a caring and compassionate touch which represent an extremely demanding approach to many high-profile healthcare settings.
  • Along with qualified professionals, undergraduate students can utilize this book as a reference for their courses like hospital and community pharmacy and pharmaceutics.
  • Scholars from countries around the world are announcing their favorable recommendation about the book.


Author (Figure 2) completed B.Pharm (2004) and M.Pharm (2006) from Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka. He has completed his MBA (2007) from East West University. He was in faculty of Pharmacy, World University of Bangladesh as an Assistant Professor. Along with 8 years of teaching experience, he also worked for reputed pharmaceutical companies in strategic management for 5 years. He authored 11 books (Table 3) and many articles on alternative medicines, patient care, marine drug sources and other recent issues of healthcare in several journals (Table 4) and newspapers (Table 5). He is now acting secretary and treasurer in Dr. M. Nasirullah Memorial Trust.


Universal-Publishers eagerly seeks prolific authors who correctly are leading experts in their chosen field, and whose work addresses a specialized audience. Their mission is to expose novel ideas and important scholarship. In exchange for distribution rights, they offer vital distribution, adequate compensation, multiple media editions, and personal attention. The esteem book was under editing and improvisation from the beginning of the year 2019, after copyright agreement signing. The published book is eligible to provide learning to both Pharmacy apprentices (mainstream and diploma pharmacists) for their established courses related to Hospital and Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Compounding and Dispensing as well as to the allied health professionals who are close to ill patients in their day-to-day activities. Significant limitation of the book lies with the continuous improvement in various aspects of healthcare services around the world that cannot be detailed in a particular frame. However, further reading references are given so that an aware reader can have an idea of credible sources that can undoubtedly benefit their future learnings. Also, a comparison table is added in Annexure 26 of the said book (Table 2), showing a few points that makes the book superior to similar other available books, which is further mentioned that those books obviously have their unique superiority over this book, The Role of the Pharmacist in Patient Care (Achieving High Quality, Cost-Effective and Accessible Healthcare Through a Team-Based, Patient-Centered Approach) in terms of their focus on respective subject matter(s). The book solely claims its superiority in terms of focus in detailing Pharmacists’ major roles and responsibilities in patient care.


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NLM ID: 101766397 [Book]


Mohiuddin, Abdul Kader. The Role of the Pharmacist in Patient Care: Achieving High Quality, Cost-Effective and Accessible Healthcare through a Team-Based, Patient-Centered Approach. Universal-Publishers, 2020. ISBN: 9781627343084


I am obliged to the whole team of Universal Publishers, including Dr. Jeff Young (publisher and CEO) who undoubtedly helped & guided with their team members for all their support to the critical work in this project and make this book project a success. I would genuinely like to pay regardless thanks to Dr. Arinze Nkemdirim Okere, Associate Professor of Pharmacy, Clinical and Administrative Sciences, Florida A&M University, USA, and Dr. Mamun Rashid of Appalachian College of Pharmacy, Oakwood, Virginia, USA, for their precious time to review my manuscript and continued inspiration.

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  2. Dalton K, Byrne S (2017) Role of the pharmacist in reducing healthcare costs: Current insights. Integr Pharm Res Pract 6: 37-46.
  3. Mohiuddin AK (2019) Clinical Pharmacists in Chronic Care Management. Academic Publications, India. E-BOOK ISBN: 978-81-943354-0-5. Available online at:
  4. Mohiuddin AK (2019) Telepharmacy Service: Contributions and Controversies. J Public Health Dis Prev 2: 201.
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  6. Tsuyuki RT, Beahm NP, Okada H, Al Hamarneh YN (2018) Pharmacists as accessible primary health care providers: Review of the evidence. Can Pharm J (Ott) 151(1): 4-5.
  7. Mohiuddin AK (2019) Pharmacist-Patient Relationship: Commitment to Care. Biomed J Sci Tech Res 21(1): 15588-15589.
  8. Mohiuddin AK (2019) Psychiatric Pharmacy: New Role of Pharmacists in Mental Health. J Psychiatry Mental Disord 4(1): 1010.
  9. Karampatakis GD, Ryan K, Patel N, Stretch G (2019) Capturing pharmacists' impact in general practice: An e-Delphi study to attempt to reach consensus amongst experts about what activities to record. BMC Fam Pract 20(1): 126.
  10. Mohiuddin AK (2018) An In-depth of Pharmacist in Prescribing. J Appl Pharm Sci Res 1(4): 11-18.

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